Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Uno Momento Por Favor

Just one last thing before I disappear from the VJ Hunt website page.

I really enjoy making all the videos you see me post and I intend to make more. So, if you enjoyed watching them, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel. It's

You can also follow me on twitter @

And then there's my Julian Low Facebook fan page. Just look up 'Julian Low' on Facebook and look for this handsome mug:

Yes yes, I know. This is all a shameless plug, but you're looking at the guy that signed off singing to The Little Mermaid's 'Part of Your World'.

For one last last time, Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

1 comment:

  1. cant seem to find your facebook fan page =/
    link pweash? (:
