Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Julian Low MTV VJ Hunt Story Telling Challenge

Julian Low MTV VJ Hunt Story Telling Challenge from Julian Low on Vimeo.

Here's my second challenge for the MTV VJ Hunt. It tells the story of a young man, named Julian Low, who dreams of one day being a MTV VJ.

Hope you enjoy it.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

MTV VJ Hunt Utt Challenge

Utt set the task and I hope I've met it. Here's a review and introduction I did of B.o.B and his debut album, B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray.

I really hope I didn't infringe on any copyright with the music or video I've used. Because I don't have da money!!!

OMG, y'all like my eyebags??? It's hard work campaigning as the next VJ for MTV.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Monday, June 28, 2010

Boracay With Da Boyz '10

Boracay With Da Boyz '10 from Julian Low on Vimeo.

I made this vid back in April when I went to Boracay with my mates, but I thought I'd share it with y'all.

We wild out 'The Hang Over' style. Hope you enjoy it.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sup peoples!!!

Just wanna take some time out to say thanks to everyone who's voted, still voting and 'Liked' my blog posts to help push me up the rankings in the MTV VJ Hunt.

I got a real heart warming call from my mummy back home telling me about how much everyone back in Perth has been showing me love.

It's always hard being away from the ones you love in pursuit of your dreams, but to know that they care so much and rally support for me in this competition makes me all gooey. Words really can't express the appreciation and warmth that overwhelms me. I did get to see my mummy, daddy and lil bro in April, but the last time the whole family was together was back in December before I left for Singapore again. And by looking at the pics, it's kinda funny how I was wearing the EXACT SAME T-SHIRT when I saw my family last.

There's so many people I wanna give shout outs to back home in Perth, but I gotta give special mention to my girl Grace and also to Zentner and the Melville Mitsubishi gang who've exhausted their internet browsers voting again and again and again for me. Hope y'all didn't get into too much trouble at work :-p

I haven't forgotten of course all my Singapore peeps who are helping me along the way. There's really too many to mention, but you know who you are and you know I love y'all to bacon bits hur hur hur hee hee hee :-)

Before this turns into a Academy Award worthy acceptance speech, I'm gonna end this post now. Stay tuned and be prepared to be blinded due to over exposure of ama-za-zing awesomeness!!!

Love Peace and Hair Grease...maybe Cheese...hmmmmm...gonna look for a Quarter Pounder now. Ok ok, I gotta end this for real now - JuLz

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Kung Fu Kid

I've been campaigning hard to be the next VJ for MTV so I decided to take break and catch a movie. I was a big Karate Kid fan back in the days, so I was pretty excited to catch the new re-make.

Ralph Macchio is a bit past his prime so unfortunately, he could not reprise his role so taking his place was the up and coming Jaden Smith a.k.a Will and Jada Smith's little boy.

All and all it was a satisfactory movie to kick back and tune into. I'm a huge huge Will Smith fan and have been since he was known as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I'd go see anything Will Smith related and I thought it was great to see him and Jada back up Jaden by being involved as executive producers in the movie. I lost count of the number of times I saw young Jaden resemble Will in his expressions and mannerisms.

Not much Karate in the movie though, it's all set in China and it's Kung Fu that Jaden is taught. Instead of learning Karate by waxing a car, Jaden learns Kung Fu by taking off his jacket and putting it on you didn't know you could do that. Pat Morita, God rest his soul, would have been proud to see Jackie Chan fill his shoes as the new 'Mr Miyagi'.

After watching the movie, I decided to get back on the campaign trail by doing a good deed and winning some votes from friends. I helped some friends move furniture into their new house...Yes this is why I came to help you guys hehehe In the end all we moved was a washer and dryer.

My friends and I felt we deserved some drinks after all that 'moving' so we indulged ourselves by firing up the projector to watch the World Cup and cracking open some beers. Half a bottle of Patron later, it all got a bit blurry for me.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Picture Perfect

I took this picture while working on a comedy sitcom called 'First Class - Back for Seconds' and I had to cut my long hair off to look like a P.E. teacher, so it was a totally different look for me.

I'm not so pretentious that I'd title this blog 'Picture Perfect' and post a picture of myself. I only think it's 'Picture Perfect' because a friend of mine put some time into 'photoshopping' the pic as a surprise for me.

Thank you for the pic. I love it. You know who you are.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Save The Best For Last

You gotta love a late night Quarter Pounder from Micky Ds. I especially like it when the cheese is uneven on the patty.

I love to eat around the cheese and save it as the last tasty morsel.

And if anyone tried to take that last bite that I was saving...I'd PUNCH 'EM in the FACE!!!

"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity" - Voltaire

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hur Hur Hur :-)

Guess what??? I've just finished filming the first challenge for the MTV VJ Hunt.

Stay tuned because it's gonna be funny as hell.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Failure To Wakeboard

Only had a few hours of sleep last night because I was having nightmares about Australia getting a man sent off and drawing with Ghana in the World Cup...Damn it!!! That actually happened. I'm not a morning person anyways, but I'd get up early on a Sunday for the thrill of wakeboarding.

I normally get my wakeboarding fix at the end of every month with my mates, but this time things went horribly wrong. I book a 2 or 3 hour session through a friend of mine, but on this occasion, Eddie (the guy who brings me out on his boat), accidently double booked and my friends and I had to lose the session because we weren't the first to book.

Persistent to wakeboard some where, my mates and I decided to drive down to East Coast Park to go to Ski 360 Degree. This is a park where you wakeboard on a pulley cable system. It's got awesome ramps for jumps, but it doesn't create a nice wake when you're being pulled by a boat, so I'd always prefer a boat. We got to Ski 360 Degree at about 10am and for some reason it was closed to the public until 12pm!!!

We obviously had angered the 'Wakeboard Gods' some how and therefore was simply not meant to wakeboard today. I must remember to sacrifice a 'Wakeboard Virgin' to appease the 'Wakeboard Gods' next time. Deciding not to waste the beautiful day, my friends and I went to hire some bikes and rollerblades at East Coast Park. So, we did get some kind of workout on our Sunday morning.

We worked up quite an appetite from cycling and blading so we went to to this really cool and unique Thai-German fusion restaurant and microbrewery called Tawandang. While there, we enjoyed delicious Thai-German grub and refreshing German brews.

Remember how I said in my previous post that you should avoid discussing politics, religion and football? Well, I couldn't help myself because I had a disagreement with my English mate, Simon about who the footballer, Steve McMahon, represented in the Italy World Cup 1990. Simon argued that Steve played for either Scotland or Ireland, but I was sure he played for England. A quick Google search on the iPhone revealed the answer and yours truly was right. Who's your daddy Simon? :-) FYI, Steve McMahon was also born in Singapore and he played for the greatest football team in the world, Liverpool!!! If any of you disagree about that then...we can settle this at the closest parking lot hahaha Love don't hate.

All and all, a potentially lousy Sunday was averted by good company, good food and good drinks.

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

P.S. A Happy Father's Day to all Fathers out there.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm Gutted

Oh no, my weekend has taken a turn for the worse. If you've been living under a rock you'd not know that the World Cup is happening.

I just wanna make it clear that I'm a die hard Australian Socceroos fan. Don't you dare scoff, because I see people wearing jerseys for what ever the hell country they feel like supporting but the blood that courses through my veins are green and gold and I'm proud to have a 'Real' country to support and represent on the football world stage.

Alright, alright, this blog is turning quite bitter and sarcastic. 3 things you should always avoid discussing is...politics, religion and....FOOTBALL. The Australia Vs Ghana game did not result in my favor. The game started very brightly for the Aussies, with Brett Holman giving them the lead in the 11th minute. However, a bullshit decision from the referee saw Harry Kewell sent off for a hand ball in the penalty box and Ghana equalized with a penalty shortly after.

Nothing short of a miracle will help the Aussies get through to the next round. I'm so so so sad.

It's way past my bed time now and I gotta get up early tomorrow for my wakeboarding fix. Hope it cures my World Cup blues. Sorry about my World Cup rant people. Football is life, the rest is mere details.

Love, Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Beerfest 2010

What up peoples! I couldn't have kicked off my weekend better than with my attendance of Beerfest 2010.

Beerfest 2010 was bigger and badder than 2009, and I gotta give big props to my bro bro Paul Foster for the ticket hook up this year. Big shout out to my kuyah Harry too, who's always good drinking company.

It was a sweltering night and what better way to have quenched my thirst than with a tall frosty beer. There were more than 50 different types of beer, but I stayed patriotic and only drank the Aussie brews. You might have noticed the classy 'Jason Mraz' style hat I was sporting in the pics, you get one with every purchase of a bucket of Pure in actuality I received more than one hat :-p

If you've never heard of Pure Blondes, it's a low carb beer which means that you can drink more without the worry of putting on the pounds. A 6 pack of Blondes is equivalent to the carbs in one slice of bread...guilt free beer!!!

There was also this really awesome all girl band from the US called Hell Belles who covered AC/DC songs. It was the closest I got to Acca Dacca and Angus Young would have been proud himself.

Gotta prep for the big World Cup show down between the Australia and Ghana so catch ya later. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! Oi!!! Oi!!! Oi!!!

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

Thursday, June 17, 2010

MTV VJ Hunt Intro

Check it out, here's my first post on my blog. It's for the MTV Asia VJ Hunt 2010.
Hope you like what you and can count on your support.
Love, Peace and Hair Grease :-)