Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sup peoples!!!

Just wanna take some time out to say thanks to everyone who's voted, still voting and 'Liked' my blog posts to help push me up the rankings in the MTV VJ Hunt.

I got a real heart warming call from my mummy back home telling me about how much everyone back in Perth has been showing me love.

It's always hard being away from the ones you love in pursuit of your dreams, but to know that they care so much and rally support for me in this competition makes me all gooey. Words really can't express the appreciation and warmth that overwhelms me. I did get to see my mummy, daddy and lil bro in April, but the last time the whole family was together was back in December before I left for Singapore again. And by looking at the pics, it's kinda funny how I was wearing the EXACT SAME T-SHIRT when I saw my family last.

There's so many people I wanna give shout outs to back home in Perth, but I gotta give special mention to my girl Grace and also to Zentner and the Melville Mitsubishi gang who've exhausted their internet browsers voting again and again and again for me. Hope y'all didn't get into too much trouble at work :-p

I haven't forgotten of course all my Singapore peeps who are helping me along the way. There's really too many to mention, but you know who you are and you know I love y'all to bacon bits hur hur hur hee hee hee :-)

Before this turns into a Academy Award worthy acceptance speech, I'm gonna end this post now. Stay tuned and be prepared to be blinded due to over exposure of ama-za-zing awesomeness!!!

Love Peace and Hair Grease...maybe Cheese...hmmmmm...gonna look for a Quarter Pounder now. Ok ok, I gotta end this for real now - JuLz

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