Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beerfest 2010

What up peoples! I couldn't have kicked off my weekend better than with my attendance of Beerfest 2010.

Beerfest 2010 was bigger and badder than 2009, and I gotta give big props to my bro bro Paul Foster for the ticket hook up this year. Big shout out to my kuyah Harry too, who's always good drinking company.

It was a sweltering night and what better way to have quenched my thirst than with a tall frosty beer. There were more than 50 different types of beer, but I stayed patriotic and only drank the Aussie brews. You might have noticed the classy 'Jason Mraz' style hat I was sporting in the pics, you get one with every purchase of a bucket of Pure in actuality I received more than one hat :-p

If you've never heard of Pure Blondes, it's a low carb beer which means that you can drink more without the worry of putting on the pounds. A 6 pack of Blondes is equivalent to the carbs in one slice of bread...guilt free beer!!!

There was also this really awesome all girl band from the US called Hell Belles who covered AC/DC songs. It was the closest I got to Acca Dacca and Angus Young would have been proud himself.

Gotta prep for the big World Cup show down between the Australia and Ghana so catch ya later. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! Oi!!! Oi!!! Oi!!!

Love Peace and Hair Grease - JuLz

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